Departure Tax for Turkish Citizens

A departure tax of 710 Turkish Lira is imposed on citizens of the Republic of Turkiye leaving the country. This fee is mandated by Article 51 of Law No. 7524, with the Council of Ministers retaining the authority to waive it entirely.

Exemptions from the Departure Tax

The following categories of individuals are exempt from the departure tax:

  • Foreign residents of Turkiye
  • Children under the age of seven
  • Individuals departing with passports or similar travel documents
  • Individuals traveling to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with an identity document
  • Crew members of land, sea, and air transportation vehicles engaged in commercial domestic travel

Legal Basis

This information is based on Law No. 5597 (Acceptance date: 8/3/2007), as amended on 28/3/2013 by Law No. 6455/52.

Note: The Constitutional Court, in its Decision No. E.:2013/66, K.:2014/19 dated 29/1/2014, annulled the phrase "...from citizens of the Republic of Turkiye registered by the Council of Ministers..." as it appeared in earlier versions of this legislation.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the departure tax at Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, please contact the Customs Accounting Office at 0216 588 88 26 or 0216 588 88 27.

Important Information Departure Fee Stamp Automat Machines

As of December 31, 2024, the printed stamp fee system will be discontinued. To ensure a smooth exit process, please be aware that all departure tax payments must be made electronically starting January 1, 2025.

Convenient Digital Channels for Departure Tax Payments

Here is a breakdown of the various digital channels available for your departure tax payments from January 1, 2025 onwards:

  • Digital Tax Office or GIB Mobile App: Make secure payments through the official channels at
  • Authorized Banks’ Online Banking: Pay your exit fees conveniently through the online banking platforms of authorized banks, but be mindful of the operational hours (between 00:10 and 23:50).
  • PTT Branches: Utilize PTT branches for your exit fee payments.
  • Airport Kiosks and Exit Gates: Kiosks located at airports and exit gates will also be available for processing your departure tax payments.
  • Tax Offices: In-person payments can still be made at tax offices.

Simplified Process with Electronic Payments

If you choose to pay your departure tax through the Digital Tax Office, contracted banks, or the GIB Mobile App, you will benefit from an expedited process. Since the payment is electronically transferred to the Turkish General Directorate of Security, you will not need to present a receipt or stamp to the immigration officer.

Payment Verification Made Easy

For your peace of mind, you can easily verify if your departure tax payment has been successfully transferred to the Turkish General Directorate of Security. Simply log in to the Interactive Tax Office system and navigate to the "Departure Tax Inquiry" section under the "Payment and Debt Transactions" menu.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free departure process.

Important Notice: The 500 TL printed stamps paid in 2024 will be invalid for international travel commencing after January 11, 2025.

When departing from Turkiye with a Turkish passport, immigration officer at the exit gates will verify that the departure tax has been paid. If you paid the duty through the Digital Tax Office, no physical receipt or stamp is required. The payment information is electronically transmitted to the Turkish General Directorate of Security.

To confirm that the departure tax payment has been successfully transferred, you can log in to your Digital Tax Office account and utilize the "Departure Tax Inquiry" feature under the "Inquiries / Verifications" menu.